Orders outside the U.S.

All orders from outside the U.S. are now charged $13.00 automatically. If the shipping is much less than $13.00 we will refund the difference.

Suggestions welcome...

If you have any ideas on what figures we should be making please email us and let us know. We're always interested in what our customers would like.


Sheep are sold 2 to a package.

O Scale Figures

(prices shown are for unpainted figures)

#O-3D-01 Girl Sweeping $11.50
#O-01 Man Hammering $6.50
#O-03 BrakeMan $6.50
#O-04 Bull $7.50
#O-05 Horse Walking $8.00
#O-06 Sheep Laying (2) $8.00
#O-07 Boy Standing $6.50
#O-08 Woman Standing $6.50
#O-09 Sheep Standing (2) $8.00
#O-10 Sheep Walking (2) $8.00
#O-11 Sheep Feeding (2) $8.00
#O-12 Pack Mule $9.00
#O-13 Cow $7.50
#O-14 Man Shoveling $6.50
#O-15 Bareback Horse #1 $8.00
#O-16 Bareback Horse #2 - Head Left $8.00
#O-17 Bareback Horse #3 - Head Right $8.00
#O-18 Bareback Horse #4 - Feeding
#O-19 Saddled Horse #1 $8.00
#O-20 Saddled Horse #2 - Head Right $8.00
#O-21 Collared Horse #1 $8.00
#O-22 Harnessed Horse #1 $8.00
#O-23 Fire Equipment $14.50
#O-24 Engine House Stove $11.00
#O-26 Collared Horse #2 - Head Right $8.00
#O-27 Collared Horse #3 - Head Left $8.00
#O-28 Harnessed Horse #2 - Head Right $8.00
#O-29 Forge $13.00
#O-30 Blacksmith & Anvil $9.00
#O-31 Harnessed Horse #3 - Head Left $8.00
#O-32 Station Platform Equipment $11.00
#O-33 Oilman #2 $6.50
#O-34 Saddled Horse #3 w/Winchester $8.00
#O-35 Saddled Horse #4 w/Bedroll $8.00
#O-36 Lumberjack w/Axe $8.00
#O-37 Cowboy w/Canteen - A new version coming
#O-38 Cowboy w/10 Gallon Hat - A new version coming
#O-39 Longhorn #1 Head Up $9.00
#O-40 Longhorn #2 Head Down $9.00
#O-41 Longhorn #3 Head Right $9.00
#O-42 Man & Dog #1 $9.00
#O-43 Cowboy Roping $11.00
#O-44 Saddle & Bedroll $5.00
#O-45 Cowboy Sleeping $7.50
#O-46 Steer #1 Head Left $9.00
#O-47 Steer #2 Head Down $9.00
#O-48 Steer #3 Head Right $9.00
#O-49 Cabin Stove $6.50
#O-50 Telegrapher $9.00
#O-51 Switcher $7.50
#O-52 Washstand $6.50
#O-53 Oil Lamp $7.50
#O-54 Man & Dog #2 $9.00
#O-55 Round Table $7.50
#O-56 Chairs (2) $8.00
#O-57 Two Man Saw Team $14.00
#O-58 Farrier $13.00
#O-60 Cowboy Mounting Horse $13.00
#O-61 General Store Stove $7.50
#O-62 Steer Running $8.00
#O-63 Miner & Cradle $13.00
#O-65 Kitchen Stove $8.00
#O-66 Photographer $11.00
#O-68 Wagon Wheel Set $11.00
#O-70 Man Sawing $7.50
#O-74 Seated Engineer $7.50
#O-76 Two Man Work Gang $16.00
#O-77 Lumberjack #2 $8.00
#O-78 Seated Fireman $7.50
#O-79 Cook $7.50
#O-80 Horse McClellan Saddle $8.00
#O-81 Cowboy in Duster $7.50
#O-82 Man Shaving $7.50
#O-83 Cowboy w/Boots $7.50
#O-84 Cowboy w/Plate $7.50